Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

OpenRACM: Download


We ask that you fill out a request form to identify yourself and indicate your interest in OpenRACM. The request form will automatically direct you to our source package once you fill in the details and submit the request.

This release contains documentation, the source code for the OpenRACM library, and an example program. OpenRACM can be compiled on the Win32/Linux platforms. Visual Studio VC++6 and Visual Studio 2005 solution files for use on windows platform are included.

OpenRACM is free for noncommercial use only. Click here for the distribution notice.

Click on a version link and fill the request form to download the distribution.

Version History

Version 1.0: OpenRACM1.0

Maintained by: Sung-Eui Yoon, sungeui at gmail dot com

To maximize I/O performance and compression ratio, cache-oblivious mesh layouts is recommended for an input layout of a mesh. To compute cache-oblivious mesh layouts, please check the OpenCCL Library.

Version history:
Version 1.0: created at Oct-28, 2007

Note: Thiago Franco de Moraes, a graduate student at Computer Science in Unicamp, provided me a version of OpenRACM ghat is modified from the original OpenRAM and is compilable at Ubuntu and Mac OS X Lion. This version is created at Oct, 2011. Even if you want to use this version, please download the original OpenRACM so that we can know who are using OpenRACM library. We do not have any responsibility on the version that Thiago provided to us. Thanks.

Copyright 2007

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