KAIST Model Benchmarks
In this homepage we provide various models that we have used in our technical papers.
We hope that these models are helpful for your research.
If you have any questions on using these models, please contact Sung-eui Yoon
or the first author of the paper that introduces the models.
If you use a model in your paper, please acknowledge the paper that introduced the model.
Sung-eui Yoon
Quick Links
- Fracturing Models
- Cloth Models
- Articulated Models
- Fluid Benchmarks
- Misc. Models
Fracturing Models
We provide two fracturing models that we used in the following paper:
A. Breaking dragon model

# of raw sequences: 15
# of triangles: 252K initially -> 252K at the final frame
Zipped file size: 46MB,
Characteristics: one or more objects break into smaller pieces (i.e.
explosions) and thereby change their topologies.
B. Breaking wall model

# of raw sequences: 100
# of triangles: 42K initially -> 140K at the final frame
Zipped file size: 112MB, download
Characteristics: one or more objects break into smaller pieces (i.e.
explosions) and thereby change their topologies.
Cloth models
We provide a cloth simulation model in two resolutions and an avatar model used for the simulation.
We made the models by using CLO 3D and we used them in the following paper:
A. Cloth model

# of raw sequences: 201
High resolution : # of triangles: 200K, Zipped file size 394MB, download
Low resolution : # of triangles: 50K, Zipped file size 102MB, download
B. Avatar
# of raw sequences: 201
# of triangles: 87K, Zipped file size 466MB, download
Articulated Models
We provide several scenes that we used in our paper:
Please see the readme file for instructions.
A. Exhibition Scene
The exhibition scene consists of 83M triangles with 1000 characters included.
static model of the exhibition scene: 609K tris, 42MB
character and camera paths: 1000 characters, 65MB
We use the following articulated models for this scene:
female_1: 89K tris, 34 frames, 4MB
female_2: 107K tris, 34 frames, 5MB
male_1: 74K tris, 34 frames, 4MB
male_2: 74K tris, 34 frames, 4MB
male_3: 75K tris, 34 frames, 4MB
B. Office Scene
The office scene consists of 16.4M triangles with 200 characters included.
static model of the office scene: 1K tris, 0.5MB
character and camera paths: 200 characters, 65MB
We use the same articulated models from the exhibition scene.
C. Stampede Scene

The stampede scene consists of 242M triangles with 5000 characters included.
static model of the stampede scene (character and camera setup included): 0.3MB
We use the following articulated models for the stampede scene:
snake: 29K tris, 80 frames, 25MB
elephant: 85K tris, 28 frames, 1MB
camel: 44K tris, 16 frames, 1MB
horse: 17K tris, 14 frames, 0.5MB
Fluid benchmarks
We provide a benchmark scene that we used in our paprp:
A. Two Source Benchmark

In this benchmark, two source emit particles and it has up to 65 M particles.
We use WCSPH method to simulate the motion of fluid.
500 frames, up to 65 M particles, Zipped file size : 209 GB,
- Each frame is represented as a file. (#.raw)
- #.raw file contains a squence of floating point values (4 bytes, binary format)
- Three floating point values represent the position of a particle.
- '65M_count.txt' includes the number of partilces on each frame.
* Other benchmark scenes will be uploaded soon!
Misc. Models
Please acknowledge KAIST Model Benchamrks.
A. Battleship Models

1. Aircraft Carrier(CVN-73)
- High : 1964K triangles, Zipped file size : 33.4MB, download
- Middle : 1089K triangles, Zipped file size : 18.2MB, download
- Low : 49K triangles, Zipped file size : 2.1MB, download
2. Landing Platform Helicopter(LPH-6111 µ¶µµ)
- High : 1798K triangles, Zipped file size : 33.4MB, download
- Middle : 241K triangles, Zipped file size : 7.6MB, download
- Low : 18K triangles, Zipped file size : 1.9MB, download
- High : 1473K triangles, Zipped file size : 27.1MB, download
- Low : 41K triangles, Zipped file size : 1.6MB, download
B. Fighter Models

1. Fighter(F-15A Eagle)
# of triangles : 112K
Zipped file size : 3.9MB, download
2. Fighter(F/A-18 Hornet)
# of triangles : 40K
Zipped file size : 1.3MB, download
Additional benchmarks are available at UNC Dynamic Scene Benchmarks: